D. Student Support- Data Items


The data category of “Student Support” requires written identification of . . .   
1. whether the school has a comprehensive safety preparedness plan (i.e., a plan that addresses the various emergencies than can come upon a school]
2. the frequency with which the school annually practices its comprehensive safety plan  
3. the requirements that the school observes toward ensuring students’ sexual safety (in keeping with the safety policies emanating from the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth)
4. students’ perception of the degree to which the school is: (a) a physically safe place for them; (b) an intellectually and emotionally safe place for them  [Students perceive that the school is a _________safe place for them (a)  to a great degree, (b) to moderate degree, (c) to little degree.]
5. parents’ perception of the degree to which the school is: (a) a physically safe place for students; (b) an intellectually and emotionally safe place for them  [Parents perceive that the school is a_________safe place for students (a)  to a great degree, (b) to moderate degree, (c) to little degree.]
6. teachers’ perception of the degree to which the school is: (a) a physically safe place for
students; (b) an intellectually and emotionally safe place for them  [Teachers perceive that the
school is a _________safe place for students (a)  to a great degree, (b) to moderate degree, (c) to little degree.]
7. students’ perception of the degree to which a climate of respect for persons permeates the
school community  [Students perceive that a climate of respect for persons permeates the school: to a great degree; to moderate degree; to little degree.]
8. parents’ perception of the degree to which a climate of respect for persons permeates the
school community  [Parents perceive that a climate of respect for persons permeates the school: to a great degree; to moderate degree; to little degree.]
9. teachers’ perception of the degree to which a climate of respect for persons permeates the
school community  [Teachers perceive that a climate of respect for persons permeates the school: to a great degree; to moderate degree; to little degree.]
10. students’ perception of the degree to which a climate of learning and achievement permeates the school community  [Students perceive that a climate of learning and achievement permeates the school community: to a great degree; to moderate degree; to little degree.]
11. parents’ perception of the degree to which a climate of learning and achievement permeates the school community  [Parents perceive that a climate of learning and achievement permeates the school community: to a great degree; to moderate degree; to little degree.]
12. teachers’ perception of the degree to which a climate of learning and achievement permeates the school community  [Teachers perceive that a climate of learning and achievement permeates the school community: to a great degree; to moderate degree; to little degree.]
13. the requirements that the school sets concerning teachers’ availability to students beyond class hours
14. the ratio of counselors to students (a) overall and (b) per grade level (i.e., freshman level, etc.)
15. the percentage of ELL students (a) overall and (b) per grade level
16. the percentage of students identified with special needs (a) overall and (b) per grade level.
17. the common forms of adjustment/accommodation that the teachers use in responding to
students’ learning needs [cross reference: Teaching and Learning in DL: C.6‐7]
18. the perception of parents of students identified with special needs regarding how well the
school meets their children’s learning needs [Such parents perceive that the school meets their
children’s needs (a) to great extent, (b) to moderate extent, (c) to minimal extent.]  
19. the perception of students enrolled in advanced placement (AP) classes regarding the
effectiveness of these classes in preparing them for optimum achievement on AP exams  [Such students perceive that AP classes are effective (a) to great extent, (b) to moderate extent, (c) to minimal extent.] [cross reference: Teaching and Learning in DL: C.4‐5]  
20. teachers’ perception of the degree of student responsiveness to the academic support
services/options that they themselves provide students [Faculty perceive that students avail
themselves of these services/options (a) to great extent, (b) to moderate extent, (c) to minimal extent.]
21. students’ perception of the effectiveness of the counseling they receive, counseling in the areas of: (a) academic advising, (b) standardized testing, (c) personal guidance toward achieving school success, and (d) professional referrals beyond school.  [Students perceive that this ______counseling is effective:  to great extent, to moderate extent, to minimal extent.]
22. parents’ perception of the effectiveness of the counseling that their sons/daughters receive, counseling in the areas of: (a) academic advising, (b) standardized testing, (c) personal guidance toward achieving school success, and (d) professional referrals beyond school.  [Parents perceive that this ______ counseling is effective:  to great extent, to moderate extent, to minimal extent.]
23. the school’s perception of the effectiveness of the counseling that students receive, counseling in the areas of: (a) academic advising, (b) standardized testing, (c) personal guidance toward achieving school success, and (d) professional referrals beyond school.  [The school perceives that this ______ counseling is effective:  to great extent, to moderate extent, to minimal extent.]
24. the percentage of students participating in the following school programs: (a) the arts, (b)
athletics, (c) student government, and (d)  clubs and activities
25. students’ perception of the quality of the school’s co‐curricular program (a) in the arts, (b) in athletics, (c) in student government, and (d) in clubs and activities. [Students perceive that the quality of the school’s ____ program is (a) high (b) moderately high, (c) low.]
26. parents’ perception of the quality of the school’s co‐curricular program (a) in the arts, (b) in athletics, (c) in student government, and (d) in clubs and activities. [Parents perceive that the quality of the school’s ____ program is (a) high (b) moderately high, (c) low.]
27. the school’s perception of the quality of its co‐curricular program (a) in the arts, (b) in athletics, (c) in student government, and (d) in clubs and activities. [The school perceives that the quality of its ____ program is (a) high (b) moderately high, (c) low.]
28. students’ perception of the extent to which the school’s co‐curricular programs support their attainment of the outcomes that the school intends for them [Students perceive that the school’s program in ____ (a) arts, (b) athletics, (c) student government, (d) clubs and activities supports their attainment of the student outcomes that the school intends: to great extent; to moderate extent; to minimal extent.]  
29. the required frequency of each student’s one‐on‐one meetings with the school’s college
counselor (a) at the frosh level, (b) at sophomore level, (c) at junior level, (d) at senior level  
30. students’ satisfaction regarding the college services that the school provides  [Students perceive these services to be satisfactory: (a) to high degree, (b) to moderate degree, (c) to little degree.]
31. parents’ perception of the quality of the college counseling program of the school [Parents
perceive that the quality of the school’s college counseling program is: high, moderate, low.]
32. the school’s perception (i.e., the perception of counseling/administration) regarding the degree of responsiveness that students demonstrate to the college services offered them [The school perceives that the extent of student responsiveness to the college services offered them is: high, moderate, low.]   
33. the number and percentage of seniors who graduate
34. the percentage of seniors who matriculate to college: (a) overall and  (b) disaggregated
according to 2‐year and 4‐year colleges
35. the aggregate of scholarship monies that colleges offered to graduating seniors
36. the perception of most recent alumni/ae regarding the quality of the preparation for college that they received from the school  [Recent alumni/ae perceive that the quality of the
preparation for college that they received from the school is: highly effective, moderately
effective, minimally effective.]