Discerning Areas for Critical Growth

Areas for Critical Growth

E3 WCEA- Top 5 Growth Areas


Material Stewardship:

  •  Rosary Academy seeks to grow its enrollment by improving relationships and connections with donors, alumnae and alumnae families. Developments will focus upon enhancing communications regarding pertinent news, upcoming projects, funding needs, and any other advancement goals and objectives. 

Student Support:

  • Rosary Academy must prioritize the social and emotional well-being of its students and teachers by using a mindfulness approach to reduce possible sources of stress and increase mental health awareness.

School Organization:

  • Rosary Academy needs to investigate and analyze different leadership structure models.  We need to evaluate and select a permanent administrative design that best serves our current school composition.           

Teaching and Learning:

  • Rosary Academy faculty must continue to improve academic programming by more deliberately aligning curriculum with the ISO’s and participating in structured, collaborative reviews of instruction and assessment practices. Using an adapted PLC model, the Rosary Academy faculty needs to use measured data, including the results of standardized tests and final exams, to drive instruction and ensure students’ success.           

Catholic Identity:

  • Rosary Academy needs to investigate the possibility of increasing student service.   Service is a vital charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and it is an expectation of our Baptismal Call.  We need to develop proposals for class level projects or the possibility of mandating hours to get full 100% service participation from our students.  We are the Body of Christ, and we need to take care of those in need.