Chapter I: Introduction to the School


Demographic Details


Name of School: Rosary Academy      

WCEA School Code: 051007

Address: 1340 N. Acacia Ave., Fullerton, CA 92831

Year of Inception: 1965

Nature of the School:  Ownership- Diocesan                                                                                                   Gender- All Female                                                                                                       Educational Thrust- College Preparatory

Governance Structure: The reserve powers are held by the Diocese of Orange; a consultative school board is currently being organized.

School's Administrative Structure: Head of School 


Student Demographics


School Personnel Demographics


Administrative Personnel


Administrative Personnel


Instructional Personnel


Instructional Personnel


Non-Instructional Personnel


Non-Instructional Personnel




A consultative school board is currently being gathered and will hold the first meeting in January 2018.

Parent Organization(s)


Rosary Academy has a Parent Council.  They meet once a month from September through May.  The director of advancement represents the school at all parent council meetings. Some meetings will include representatives from academics, finance, admissions, athletics, and/or activities to give the parent council updates from their area.

           The council is led by a president.  The current president served as co-president                 last school year.  Currently, there is no term limits.

The functions of the parent council include:

  • To support and promote the interests of all the academic and co-curricular programs sponsored by the school.
  • To work in conjunction with the advancement office to plan fundraising activities to meet the needs of the school.
  • To promote school spirit and commitment through social involvements of the parents.
  • To provide opportunities for spiritual development of its members.

Alumnae Organization


We are pleased to reinstate the Alumnae Association. Events planned throughout the year create a chance for alumnae to gather, reconnect, and network within their Rosary community.

Brief History of the School


Rosary Academy was founded in September 1965 under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and administered by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange to provide greater opportunity for girls residing in the central and northeastern portions of Orange County to attend a Catholic secondary school. In 1976, with the establishment of the Diocese of Orange, Rosary Academy came under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange. Presently Rosary Academy is also under the supervision of the Vicar of Faith Formation/Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Students now represent a broader geographic range that includes the counties of Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino.  

Most Significant Developments in School Life since the Last Self Study

  • The school re-branded itself with a name change to Rosary Academy.
  • Administrative Changes: Both the leadership structure and leadership personnel have undergone multiple changes over the past six years. 
  • Facility Changes: Rosary Academy has upgraded areas of the campus to help enrich the student's experience.
    • The new Learning and Enrichment Center re-created the Library into a modern, comfortable space for students to study individually or in small groups. This area will also assist students with learning differences.
    • A new science lab space was implemented.
    • A new strength and conditioning room was implemented on campus.
  • Curriculum Changes: Rosary Academy developed new learning opportunities.
    • A STREAM curriculum framework was implemented.
    • A professional mentorship and development program, Royal Advantage was implemented.
    • A competitive robotics program was implemented.  
  • A Summer Academy program was introduced to bring students from grades 5-8 on campus for ceramics, photography, writing workshops, and more.
  • The school established a 1:1 program. The program is in its sixth year, and a new device will be selected this school year.