E. Material Stewardship- Data Items


The data category of “Material Stewardship” requires written identification of . . .  
1. the criteria according to which the school admits students
2. (a) the partner schools (i.e., elementary and junior high) whose students enter the high school as ninth‐graders, (b) the number of students who enter from each partner school
3. the school’s perception of the degree to which the respective partner schools collaborate with the school in the school’s recruitment process [The school perceives that the degree of collaboration of partner schools is: high, moderate, low.]
4. any articulation sessions (i.e., regarding overall curriculum or subject specific sessions or any topic pertinent to the partnership ) that the high school hosts for partner schools/school leaders
5. (a) proximately located Catholic high schools whose recruitment endeavors involve the same partner (elementary) schools, (b) other proximate private high schools whose recruitment endeavors involve the same partner schools, (c) proximate charter high schools
6. the extent to which the school’s enrollment operations conform to its mission and philosophy [The school perceives that its enrollment operations conform to its mission and philosophy: to a great extent, to moderate extent, to little extent.]
7. the quantity and quality of the books and other teaching‐and‐learning resources at hand [The school perceives that the quantity and quality of its teaching‐and‐learning resources are: high, medium, low.]
8. the quality of the physical environment of the classrooms (i.e., the quality of desks, chairs, tables, windows, lighting, heating‐and‐cooling, etc.)  [The school perceives that the quality of the physical environment of its classrooms is: high, medium, low.]
9. the quantity and quality of the technological resources at the service of the teaching and learning  [The school perceives that the quantity and quality of its technological resources at the service of teaching and learning are: high, medium, low.]
10. the quality of the technological infrastructure that supports school internal operations  [The school perceives that the quality of its technological infrastructure in support of operations is: high, medium, low.]  
11. the quality of the maintenance of the school internally  (i.e., its classrooms and facilities) [The school perceives that the quality of maintenance of its classrooms and facilities is: high, medium, low.]  
12. the quality of the maintenance of the school externally (i.e., its buildings and grounds [The school perceives that the quality of the maintenance of its buildings and grounds is: high, medium, low.]  
13. whether there are any deferred maintenance projects concerning the buildings/grounds
14. the physical attractiveness of the school [The school perceives that the degree of its physical attractiveness is: high, medium, low.]
15. the per capita cost of education (aka “true” or “actual cost”)
16. the school’s tuition rate, along with annual percentage increase
17. the process by which the school sets its tuition rate
18. the process by which the school collects tuition
19. the school’s response to delinquent tuition
20. (a) the criteria according to which tuition assistance is awarded, (b) the aggregate amount of tuition assistance given to students, (c) the number of students receiving tuition assistance, (d)the average amount of tuition assistance given
21. The extent to which the school’s practice of awarding financial assistance conforms to its mission and philosophy [The school perceives that its practice of awarding financial assistance conforms to its mission and philosophy: to a great extent, to moderate extent, to little extent.]  
22. the school’s major, annual events by which it raises funds (e.g., an auction, a festival) [bullet] [Note:  Whereas tuition is the “first source” of income, annual event‐based fundraising is the “second source” of income.]
23. the school’s major third sources of income [bullet] [Note:  ‘Third source income’ refers to money that the school receives from its outreach to external sources—for example, an annual appeal, grants from foundations, subsidy or scholarships from the school’s (arch)diocese and/or its sponsoring religious community, and other contributions.]  
24. (a) whether there are government‐provided services—meant for the support of needy students or for the professional development of teachers—to which the school is entitled by law and (b) whether the school accesses such services[If so, include an estimate of the financial equivalency of these services and, in question # 25, include this estimate in the aggregate of “third‐source” revenue.]
25. the percentage of revenue from each of the three sources  [Note:  Tuition income, event‐based fundraising, and third‐source income each make up a portion of the sum of a school’s revenue. What portion?]    
26. the school’s perception of the effectiveness of the operations by which it generates income [The school perceives that the effectiveness of its revenue operations is: high, medium, low.]  
27. the process by which the salary schedule for teachers is set
28. the parity of the school’s salary schedule with the local public school district salary schedule [rendered as a percentage]
29. the average annual increase in faculty’s salary [rendered as a percentage]
30. the elements that constitute the benefit package that the school provides its employees [bullet]  
31. the percentage of the overall expense budget that is constituted by personnel compensation (i.e., salaries and benefits)
32. whether the school has a balanced budget (i.e., annual revenues equal if not exceed annual
expenses)  [Note:  Indicate whether the school has had to tap its reserves or even borrow money in any year.]
33. any debt/s that the school is servicing
34. whether the school has funds on reserve
35. the process by which the school budget is formalized
36. the school’s perception of the quality of its budget‐setting process  [The school perceives that its budget setting process manifests a ___ degree of quality: high, medium, low.]
37. the school’s perception of the quality of its budget oversight process  [The school perceives that its budget oversight process manifests a ___ degree of quality: high, medium, low.]
38. whether the school practices accrual‐based or cash‐based accounting
39. whether an audit or other kind of formal financial review has been conducted in the last three years [Note:  If so, briefly tell the outcome.]
40. the school’s perception of the degree of transparency of its financial operations (i.e., transparent to its clients, its sponsors, and its benefactors)  [The school perceives that the degree of transparency of its financial operations is: high, medium, low.]
41. the extent to which the (sum of the) school’s financial operations conform to its mission and philosophy  [The school perceives that its financial operations conform to its mission and philosophy: to a great extent, to moderate extent, to little extent.]  
42. the major goals of any capital campaign currently in effect
43. the extent to which capital campaign goals (see #42) are realized
44. the publications and other forms by which the school communicates itself to internal and external constituent groups (i.e., to parents, alumni/ae,  sponsors, friends and benefactors, wider civic community)  [bullet]
45. the publications and other forms by which the school markets itself to prospective
students/families [bullet]
46. parents’ perception concerning how well the school communicates itself to them  [Parents perceive that the school communicates itself: highly effectively, moderately effectively, minimally effectively.]  
47. students’ perception of the quality of the school’s website  [Students perceive that the quality of the school’s website is: high, medium, low.]
48. parents’ perception of the quality of the school’s website—how attractive its format? how
substantive its contents? how up‐to‐date its news? [Parents perceive that the quality of the school’s website is: high, medium, low.]
49. the quality of the school’s promotional operations in (a) building relationships with key groups, (b) communicating school news to these groups, (c) fostering enrollment, and (d) engendering donor support  [The school perceives that its promotional operations are _____ successful (maximally or moderately or minimally) in (a); in (b); in (c); and in (d).]
50. the extent to which the school’s promotional operations conform to its mission and philosophy  [The school perceives that its promotional operations conform to its mission and philosophy: to a great extent, to moderate extent, to little extent.]
51. the major features of any existing strategic plan concerning the maintenance/development of material resources [bullet]
52. the perception of the school regarding the quality of its planning in the area of (a) enrollment, (b) classroom and instructional resources, (c) promotional operations, (d) funding, and (e) facilities and buildings and grounds  [The school perceives that its planning in the area of (a); of (b); of (c); of (d); of (e) is: optimally effective, moderately effective, minimally effective.]