B. School Organization-Guiding Questions

1. Governance
The governance body of the school responsibly keeps the school’s mission, delegates
responsibility as necessary and monitors for accountability regarding what is delegated.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Governance’ in light of the corresponding data gathered in the Data Library:

1. If there exists a school ownership body behind the school—i.e., regents or trustees or
“member” or sponsor or diocese or parish with powers to constitute and oversee the
board/council of the school and with possible reserve powers concerning school
governance, what is the quality of the relationship and the interactions of this governance
body with the school—i.e., with the school’s board/council?  with the school’s
2. How effective is the school’s board/council in its own work?
3. In particular, how well does the board/council work with the school administration?  
4. (a) How sound is the process by which the president of the school is hired? evaluated?  (b) How sound is the process by which the principal is hired? evaluated?
5. What is the quality of the relationship and the interactions between the governance entity of the school and the (arch)diocese within which the school resides?  
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?  [See DL:B.1‐8]

2. Administration    
The school administration provides quality leadership for the personnel and the operations by which the religious and educational objectives of the school are realized.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Administration’ in light of the corresponding data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How well does the administration exercise its responsibility for the school’s
2. How well does the administration develop its own capacity for exercising leadership?
3. How well does the administration exercise care for students as persons?  
4. How well does the administration support the work of teachers who, in turn, facilitate the learning of students?
5. How sound is the process by which administrators and teachers are hired?
6. How well does the administration hold instructional personnel accountable for their work through processes of supervision and evaluation and professional development?
7. How sound is the process by which support staff are hired?
8. How well does the administration support the work of non‐instructional personnel?  hold
them accountable through processes of supervision and evaluation and the development of their capacities for work?
9. How responsive is the administration to its (arch)diocese in meetings called by the
(arch)diocese?  how responsive in matters of legitimate interest to the (arch)diocese (e.g., Catholic identity and accreditation)?  
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?  [See DL:B.1, B.9‐16]

3. Instructional Personnel
Instructional personnel are qualified for their responsibilities and are committed to
professional development toward ensuring that the religious and educational objectives of
the school are realized.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Instructional Personnel’ in light of the corresponding data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How well are the instructional personnel professionally qualified for their assigned
2. How well do teachers uphold the dignity of students as persons?  
3. By their instructing, how well do teachers facilitate student learning?
4. How receptive are instructional personnel to the guidance/supervision/evaluation of the
5. How committed are instructional personnel to their professional development?
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:B.1, B.17‐28]

4. Support  Staff
School support staff engage in duties essential to the effectiveness of the school’s religious and educational operations.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Support Staff’ in light of the corresponding data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How well qualified are support staff for their assigned responsibilities?  
2. How well does the support staff uphold the dignity of students as persons?
3. How prevalent is the support from coaches for student‐athletes toward their realizing the outcomes that the school sets for them?   
4. How much are support staff willing participants in the processes by which they are
guided/supervised/evaluated by the administration?
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:B.1, B.29‐34]

5. Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of the school—its offices, departments, schedules, modes of
communication, and deployment of personnel—and the operations pertinent to this structure are optimum for realization of the religious and educational objectives of the school.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Organizational Structure’ in light of the corresponding data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How clear to all are the school’s lines of authority and accountability?
2. How well do the administrative offices/departments of the school function in themselves? in relationship to each other?  
3. How well does the school schedule promote optimum student learning?
4. How conducive to maximum learning effect and to maximum cost effectiveness is the
assignment of school personnel?
5. How effective are the internal and external modes of school communication?   
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:  B.35‐41]

Written Requirements
1. Summary Paragraph . . .   After thorough discussion/analysis of the five (5) Standards of School Organization (based on the Key Questions), write an overall summary paragraph that reflects the school’s evaluation of itself in relation to these Standards.   
2. Identification of key strengths and key areas for growth . . .  In bullet format, identify any key strengths and any key growth areas within school experience in relation to these Standards. Include a brief rationale and citation of Data Library evidence in support of each identification.