C. Teaching & Learning-Guiding Questions

1.    Curriculum/What Students Learn
The school provides a challenging, coherent, and relevant curriculum for students toward
students’ accomplishment of all the educational outcomes that the school sets for them.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Curriculum/What Students Learn’ in light of the data body of student work and the pertinent data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How well‐informed by the Common Core Standards is the school’s curriculum?
2. How systematic and sequential is the curriculum that is available in each of the subject areas of English, mathematics, science, social science, foreign language, and aesthetics (i.e., music and the arts)?  [Note:  Religion receives a separate treatment, within the Catholic Identity Standards.]
3. How well designed is the curriculum for maximizing the capacities for learning of every
4. How clear are the curriculum policies regarding students’ access to courses? how clear the policies regarding academic assignments? regarding grades? regarding course completion requirements? regarding total credits for graduation?  
5. How well does the school articulate curriculum within and among the academic
departments (or subject areas)?
6. How well aligned are the school’s graduation requirements with the requirements that are established for matriculation to the state college/university system?   
7. How effective is the annual curriculum review‐and‐development process?  how well
informed by Integral Student Outcomes is this process?  how ample the participation of all
the constituent groups in such?
8. How ample is student achievement of the Integral Student Outcomes that the school sets before them concerning graduation?
9. How rigorous is the school’s overall educational program?
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:C.1‐17]

2. Instruction/How Students Learn     
Instructional personnel use a variety of appropriate methods by which to maximize the
learning experiences of all students toward students’ achievement of all the educational
outcomes that the school sets for them.  

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Instruction/How Students Learn’ in light of the data body of student work and the pertinent data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How varied are the instructional methods that teachers use?  
2. How well does the instruction maximize the capacities for learning of every student?
3. How well is technology integrated within the teaching‐and‐learning process?
4. How state‐of‐the‐art is the school’s technology in support of student learning?
5. How well does the school articulate instructional methodologies within and among its
academic departments (or subject areas)?
6. How effective is the school’s annual review‐and‐development of instructional
7. How much does the professional development of teachers contribute to increased
instructional efficacy?
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:B.24‐25; C.18‐23]

3. Assessment
School personnel responsibly engage in assessment of students’ learning toward students’
accomplishment of all the educational outcomes that the school sets for them.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Assessment’ in light of the body of student work and the corresponding data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How well does the school engage in the process of formative assessment?
2. How much do teachers use the results of formative assessments (i) to enable students to plan for their subsequent learning? (ii) to plan the delivery of subsequent curriculum and instruction?
3. How well are the summative assessments used by teachers in the classroom aligned with curricular objectives? with course competencies? with intended student outcomes?
4. How clearly written are the school’s grading policies?  how reasonable and fair for students is the school’s application of these policies?
5. To what extent does the school analyze, disaggregate, and use the results of comprehensive course examinations to improve departmental curriculum?  departmental instruction?  
6. To what extent does the school analyze, disaggregate, and use the results of standardized tests — HS Placement, NEDT, PLAN, PSAT, ACT, SAT, AP, etc. — to improve curriculum?  to improve instruction?
7. How well do teachers collaborate intra‐departmentally and inter‐departmentally for the
sake of more effective assessment?
8. How effective is the school’s annual review‐and‐development of assessment (whether
formative, summative, or standardized)?
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:C.24‐33]

4. Reporting Student Achievement
School personnel responsibly report students’ achievement toward students’ accomplishment of all the educational outcomes that the school sets for them.

Key Questions for reflection and discussion concerning ‘Reporting Student Achievement’ in light of the body of student work and the pertinent data gathered in the Data Library:

1. How effectively does the school report student achievement to students/parents—that is, how substantive the reporting (i.e., conveying content that is significant as well as readily understood)?  how timely the reporting (e.g., allowing sufficient time for remediation of sub‐par work)? How easy to access and use for both parents and students?
2. How well‐informed does the school keep its governing body and its (arch)diocese
concerning students’ achievement, including students’ accomplishment of the integral
outcomes that the school intends?
Concerning the response to each key question: What evidence is there from the Data Library?   [See DL:C.34‐36] 

Written Requirements
1. Summary Paragraph . . .   After thorough discussion/analysis of the four (4) Standards of Teaching and Learning (based on the Key Questions), write an overall summary paragraph that reflects the school’s evaluation of itself in relation to these Standards.   
2. Identification of key strengths and key areas for growth . . .  In bullet format, identify any key strengths and any key growth areas within school experience in relation to these Standards.  Include a brief rationale and citation of Data Library evidence in support of each identification.